Gluconature selling in Kitchiner

Gluconature is now available to customers in Kitchener.

Gluconature in doctors offices

Gluconature can now be handed out by your physician if enrolled or interested in the alternative/natural treatment program. Make sure by asking your doctor. You might benefit a free two months treatment. 


Gluconature selling in 3 new locations

Gluconature is now available to customers in 3 new locations: JR's Natural Health & Bulk(Parkdale), Life Vitality(Vaughn), Natures Alternate Health Food(GOLDEN MILE SHOPPING CENTRE)

Gluconature at Spring into Parkdale

Gluconature was present at the Spring into Parkdale festival. 

We did spread the joy of spring along with diabetes related info and some candies, for those in need of a sugar fix(mostly kids :) ). 

Heshoutang opens store in U.S.A

Heshoutang inaugurates new store in U.S.A

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World Wide

Gluconature is sold in over 60 countries from North America, Europe, Middle East and Oceania.  It  is currently approved by Health Canada, USA FDA and EU MOH. With over 10 years of successful application, Gluconature continues to expand worldwide.

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